Exercise InfoWeight Loss

A 2014 SSF Successful Fitness Programme

Here’s a 2014 SSF post worth re-posting

A 2014 SSF Successful Fitness Programme

LATEST 18-10-2014


Another regular Southside Fitness participant surpasses her Muscle toning and Bodyfat reduction target:  Lorraine’s weight, cardiovascular endurance, and Bodyfat % was measured at the end of July 2014.  The primary target was was to improve muscle tone, and reduce Bodyfat from 27.5%, by a couple of percentage points. What was achieved in approximately 10 weeks following the re-test was as follows:

  • An increase by 1.5kg of lean healthy muscle,
  • A reduction in Bodyfat by 1.5kg (3lbs approx) from 27.5% to 25%  (A bag and a half of sugar in weight)
  • An improvement in bodyshape as a result of the above.
  • Overall weight remained the same.
  • And an improvement in Cardiovascular endurance (ability of the   heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the working    muscles during continuous  moderate and intense movement/exercise)


Nothing out or the ordinary was required!, but here’s how Lorraine achieved her Target.

*Circuit training on Tuesday and Thursday

*1-2 Runs/Jogs per week at 5 km approx

*10-15 minute walk most days if time allowed

*Breakfast: Low sugar cereal/Porridge, no more toast.

*Lunch: Soup/Salad/pasta

*Dinners: Chicken, brown rice, veg base.

*Stopped using milk in coffee

*Cut out sugar snacks between meals and at night and replaced (if needed) with fruit and nuts.

***Probably the two most important factors in Lorraine’s achievement to date is the development of a good diet, and a good exercise habit which will sustain her into the future

Well done Lorraine

Lorraine was our Female Fitness person of the year for 2014