Exercise InfoHealth Info

Exercising by yourself

If exercising by yourself whether walking, jogging, running, circuit training etc, use these guidelines as your own test of intensity. if you don’t have access to a heart rate monitor.

1. Am i feeling any exertion. 2. Is it extremely light exertion.
3. Is it very light exertion. 4. Is it light exertion
5. Is it somewhat hard. 6. Is it hard.
7. Is it very hard. 8. Is it extremely hard
9. Is it maximal exertion (anaerobic)
The fuel for an ‘anaerobic’ exercise is creatine phosphate. No uptake of oxygen occurs. The intensity of effort is 95-100percent of maximal explosive effort, e.g. 100 metre sprint, and the duration of this energy system in the body is 1-10 seconds of explosive work. The recovery period is 30 seconds to 2 minutes. So our daily exercise requirements (300 minutes per week) would not require number 9 on the Borg chart above, however the the WHO say that short bursts of vigorous intensity within your daily exercise routine, will increase your health benefits.

If your aim, is low to medium intensity exercise (aerobic energy system) using carbohydrates and oxygen and working up to 60percent intensity, then use above guidlines from 3-6.
3. Very light exertion. 4. Light exertion. 5. Somewhat hard. 6. Hard, and increase the frequency from which you move from 3 to 6.
Exercising three times a week with varied intensity, will significantly improve your cardiovascular endurance (fitter heart and lung functioning).
The WHO recommendations are to aim to accumulate 300 minutes per week, 150 minutes moderate intensity and 150 minutes vigorous intensity,
and that some of these minutes and intensity can be achieved during our daily/weekly routines.