Southside Fitness

  • Tuesday's Circuit Training Class from 7pm
  • Monday's Strength Class from 6-45pm
  • Tuesday's Circuit Training Class from 7pm
  • Monday's Strength Class from 6-45pm
  • Saturday morning from 9-15am
  • Tuesday 9-8-22
  • Tuesday 9-8-22
  • SSF First Class of 2022 Tuesday January 4th.
  • Thursday Circuit Training 4-11-2021
  • Outdoor Circuit Class Tue September 2021
  • The 'Croagh Patrick 90 minute Challenge Fundraiser' Cheque Handover at our Thursday evening Circuit Class. 2830 euro in total raised from Friends, Family and 75% of monies raised for St Michaels House/Residents in Marley Court was donated by our Southside Fitness Participants.👍
  • Sat morning Class 10-7-2021
  • SSF Mountain Runners Group, Howth Head 12km trail 9-5-2021
  • SSF Circuit Training 2-6-2019
  • Tuesday Circuit Training in St Colmcilles Community School 15-10-2019


Latest Southside Fitness News:


                           SOME SOUTHSIDE FITNESS 2021 Training Snapshots


Latest Southside Fitness News 29-9-2021 put together a comprehensive Borg Chart with some W.H.O (World Health Organisation) 2020, and 2021 related information, on how Moderate Intensity Aerobic Physical Activity can be measured without the use of a Heart Rate Monitor.
The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention 2021, state that Practitioners generally agree that perceived exertion ratings between 12 to 14 on the Borg Scale suggests that physical activity IS being performed at a MODERATE LEVEL of INTENSITY.
In my opinion there is an over emphasis on only daily or weekly ‘step counts’ for, and from, too many people, hoping and believing that they are achieving the Moderate level of Aerobic Physical Activity that the W.H.O recommend for greater Health and overall Fitness Benefits.
YES, many sedentary Adults will achieve the required Moderate Intensity Aerobic Activity while out walking and counting their steps in their early stages of a new Aerobic/Fitness Programme, but as their cardiovascular endurance improves, and they move from ZERO, to ONE or TWO (Out of TEN on the Cardiovascular Endurance Scale) a gradual increase in Aerobic intensity levels would be required to move up the ladder;
to maintain a Moderate level of Aerobic Physical Activity,
to reach the required W.H.O Health recommendations, and
to reap the many significant and increased Health and Fitness benefits, from increased Moderate and Vigorous Aerobic Physical Activity.
Below is the PDF Chart Link








Circuit Class Timetable


Visitor Count 261,309


Qualifications & Programmes

  • Advanced Health and Exercise Specialist, University of Limerick.
  • Member of E.R.E.P.S. European Register of Exercise Professionals, No 2897
  • Pilates and Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Advanced Personal Trainer
  • Individual & Group Exercise Programmes
  • Active Ageing Specialist

HILL RUNS 9-6-2019









Example: If participating in two circuit training classes per and running for 30 minutes, 2-3 times per week, at a medium to high intensity, and wondering why you’re not feeling as strong as you should be, you’re diet could be lacking a sufficient quantity of protein. You could add some whey protein as a supplement to your regular meals.

Protein is an important building block of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Whey Protein can help build and sustain muscle tissue quicker and more efficiently, alongside a regular diet.

                     SOUTHSIDE FITNESS HALL OF FAME, 2011 TO JULY 2019

Southside Fitness Fitness Persons of the Year 2012; Richella, Joe and Colette.
Southside Fitness, Fitness Persons of the Year 2011; Siobhan and Tracy.
Southside Fitness Fitness Persons of the Year 2013; Ruairi
Southside Fitness Fitness Persons of the Year 2013; Barbera and Fiona.
Southside Fitness Fitness Persons of the Year 2014; Lorraine and Philip.
SSF Fitness Persons of the Year 2015, Edel, Sean, and Mark
Southside Fitness Fitness Persons of the Year 2016; Caroline, Deirdre, Marcus and Teresa.
Southside Fitness Endurance       Athlete 2014-2017; Tom
Southside Fitness Fitness Persons of the Year, 2017; Joan, Peter, and Christine. Endurance Athletes 2014-2017, Stephen and Veronica.
SSF Fitness Persons of the Year 2018; Cora, Stephen, Olga, and Jimmy. Endurance Athletes 2015-2018; Joe, Caoimhe, and Kathy. Team of the Year; Deirdre, Catherine, Gill, and Caroline.
Southside Fitness Team of the year 2018; Caroline, Gill, Deirdre, and Catherine
SSF Fitness Persons of the year 2019,                                                    Carrie, Pierce, Eimear, and Jackie. 

HOW TO USE THE WEBSITE FOR INFO ON EXERCISE, FITNESS, WEIGHT LOSS, DIET, INJURIES etc. LOOK FOR THE ‘Categories’ or ‘Tags’ on the home page. Click on a Word/topic you may be interested in. e.g. If you click on the word ‘Fitness‘ under the list headed Category or Tags, you’ll find approximately 20 research-based posts on the topic of Fitness, 29 under Exercise Info, 8 under Weight Loss, 8 under Diet, 7 under Injuries, etc, etc, and also some downloads associated with topics like food-plans and more. Click on the word Previous with an Arrow pointing to the left at the bottom of the page, for other posts on the subject matter

Qualifications & Programmes

  • Advanced Health and Exercise Specialist, University of Limerick.
  • Member of E.R.E.P.S. European Register of Exercise Professionals, No 2897
  • Pilates and Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Advanced Personal Trainer
  • Individual & Group Exercise Programmes
  • Active Ageing Specialist
Christine O Callaghan. Date: 12-6-2019

“I joined Southside Fitness Circuits classes in 2016 as I was looking to find an exercise class locally that suited me and I wanted to start exercising regularly again without having to join a gym.  I’d had two children and I had barely exercised for over 7 years aside from occasional walks.  I found the classes were really beneficial from the start and are a great way of helping me to control my weight whilst at the same time improving my overall fitness and wellbeing.  The classes are at times that suit me in the evenings and on Saturdays so I find I can attend them easily and fit them in around my work and family life commitments.   The exercises are varied in each class and include a full body workout so the classes are always different and this keeps it interesting.   The classes include a mixture of cardio and strength exercises and are rotated from one circuit station to the next.   Dave is very encouraging and helps me and everyone along during the class to make sure we are getting the most out of the exercises and ensures we are doing them correctly.  The classes are suitable to a wide variety of ages and fitness levels and are a great way of meeting new people, toning up and getting fit.  I regularly attend the classes since I joined and they are now part of my weekly routine and help me keep a balanced lifestyle.   I have met lots of new people and friends through Southside Fitness and there is a great group of people there every week.    I would highly recommend Southside Fitness to anyone looking to join a great exercise class in the Knocklyon area for both the social and fitness benefits.”

 Christine O’Callaghan,  Dalriada, Knocklyon Dublin


Gill Redmond. Date: 24-6-2019

“I joined Southside Fitness 8 years ago and thoroughly enjoy the weekly variety; challenges that are set; the social atmosphere and all of the many health tips that you get from each class.  Dave is very invested in each and every individual that attends his classes and ensures that you get the most out of them.  The people that attend range in age from teenagers to people in their 60’s and everyone is there for a different reason be it to lose weight or to improve fitness levels.  The classes aid both, and Dave will always encourage everyone to work to their own level of fitness and capability.  Each week there is a mixture of cardio and strength exercises which allows you to achieve a full body workout. There is always a very welcoming atmosphere in the classes and it is quite social with weekly runs organised and coffee after, hikes, Christmas drinks and awards.  I would highly recommend Southside Fitness”

Gill Redmond, Woodstown, Knocklyon, Dublin.


Niamh Bannan. Date: 10-9-2019

I have been attending circuit classes in Southside Fitness since June 2017. I really look forward to and enjoy the classed where there is a great atmosphere and friendly environment to train in.  Each class is a full body workout which incorporates both cardio and resistance training into one class with great variation from class to class  where you can work at the level that is right for you to achieve your personal goals whether they are to get a little fitter or loose a few pounds. Dave is always keeping a watchful eye on how the class is going and offers great advice and encouragement when needed. In the 2 years I have been attending classes,  I have seen a great improvement in my general well being as well as my fitness and strength.

There is a great mix of ages and ability within the group and Dave also arranges some other events outside the set classes like Hikes, Runs and Award-night’s which is a great way to get to know your fellow Southside Fitness members.

I would highly recommend Southside Fitness.

Niamh Bannan, Hunterswood, Ballycullen, Dublin

Jimmy Keane. Date: 10-9-2019
I joined Southside Fitness three years ago having spent a number of years previously playing social badminton and jogging. I was looking for something for all over body fitness and particularly a way to work on my upper body and core. I had tried a few gyms but they never really did it for me. Before joining I was a little bit sceptical as to whether it would give me what I needed, however within a short while I found it so much more beneficial than I ever would have anticipated and on so many levels. I now feel fitter and leaner than I have been in many years, not to mention the wonderful social network.

What amazed me even more was the amount of people of diverse ages with various fitness levels who attend weekly and all seem to get out of the classes exactly what they want. The class is just as beneficial to a person who has not trained in years as it is to some who trains regularly.  This is very much down to how Dave Ryan designs and runs the circuit training.  There are up to 11 different stations around which you rotate. Dave moves around encouraging everyone and demonstrating the correct technique and everyone works at a pace to suit themselves.  If you do want to be challenged there’s always a group to join or person to pair up with who might push a little harder and pull you along. It might even put you in contention for one of the annual ‘Fitness Person of the Year’ awards!

Dave is continually researching health, fitness and nutrition and regularly shares useful information and tips to ensure a healthy lifestyle.  He regularly posts information to the Southside Fitness website and Facebook page along with pictures and videos from the classes and the bi-annual social get together. The classes are pay as you go, very reasonable and worth every cent. It’s no surprise the number of people who quietly, or even openly, mention how much it contributes to their good mood and mental wellbeing also.

There are three classes per week so there’s ample opportunity to fit at least one class into whatever your lifestyle and schedule permits. So, if you would like spend time with like-minded people who share the values of a healthy lifestyle, fitness and having good fun I would highly recommend Southside Fitness.

Jimmy Keane, Ballyboden, July 2019


Southside Fitness Fitness Persons of the Year, Endurance Athletes, and Team of the Year 2018, Cora, Stephen, Olga and Jimmy. Endurance Athletes, Joe, Caoimhe, and Kathy. Team of The Year; Deirdre, Catherine, Gill, and Caroline.


  1. If you have any queries regarding Fitness/Circuit training classes, or Pilates Classes.
  2. If any queries on our latest training jogs/runs or upcoming events

CONTACT NUMBER: 0872205044


FACEBOOK: Southside Fitness